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A Sunset To Remember

It was our last day of filming at our cove campsite along the Half-Moon Bay coast. We had finished shooting some of our very last shots down by the ocean. With our massive camera and lens package in hand, everyone pitched in and helped hike up what seemed like a thousand wooden steps back to our crew’s homebase. Reaching the top, myself, Doug (Cinematographer), Katrina (Assistant Director), Ari and a few others stopped.

Right around the bend and through the trees… we saw something incredible. Everyone stopped - only small-chat recognized what it was at first. Someone asked,

“When was the last time you saw the sun really set?"

I stood on our truck to get a real look at it. Then a silence came. I realized it would be one of our last sunsets together. For 15 minutes we all stood there, without a single word... and we watched. This magnificent, beautiful life-force dipping into the ocean meant the end of our film’s journey. I felt pride, melancholy and hope. The sun disappeared below the horizon and I turned and realized there were 6 others there watching it with me.

We smiled and joined the others back at camp. It’s a moment I’ll never forget.

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